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Jul 3 – 7, 2023
Vienna International Centre
Europe/Vienna timezone

Guidelines for Poster Preparation

Dedicated Poster Sessions will be held during the International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Sustainable Water Resources in a Changing World.  


Information on a Poster should attract attention. Please keep in mind that the content of the Poster should be limited to the most important information, leaving details and explanations for face-to-face dialogue. 


During Poster Sessions, authors will orally present their research to symposium attendees and provide interactive communication and dialogue. 


Responsibilities of the Posters Presenters prior to the Symposium are: 


  • Prepare a printed portrait formatted poster using these guidelines. Insert your INDICO-ID on the top right corner of your poster. File name format: INDICO ID_LastName_POSTER (sample: 123_Miller_POSTER)
  • 9 June 2023: Send your photo (JPEG format 200px x 200px; file name format: FirstName_LastName) via email to the Symposium Secretariat; 
  • 9 June 2023: Complete and submit the onlineBiographical Data and Release form; 
  • 19 June 2023: Send your poster in pdf format via email to the Symposium Secretariat (for uploading to the APP);  
  • Send an e-mail to the Symposium Secretariat ( if you do not want to have your poster published on the Symposium website or in the IAEA Conference and Meetings Application; 
  • Printing and transportation of posters is the responsibility of the poster presenters. Posters cannot be printed onsite during the conference.  
  • Please note that posters should be printed on recyclable paper. The Symposium Secretariat intends to collect the posters and recycle them into specific products as a way of showing sustainable waste management. If you do not want your paper recycled because you wish to take it home with you, please send an email to the Symposium Secretariat 
  • On the day of your presentation, bring you printed poster to the Symposium.