The IRAQ IRT-5000 Soviet designed research reactor was seriously destroyed during the Gulf war 1991 the records and operation documents, candidates for decommissioning, were lost. It has been identified as the largest, most complex facility with the highest radiological significance, which has lost its containment of radioactive materials and has an increased potential for large scale contamination of the environment. Accordingly, the work was developed for the risk management methodology associated with the decommissioning strategy options for the destroyed IRT-5000 research reactor. The work plan was linked with three phases. Phase one considers the radiological survey and investigation of the destroyed IRT-5000 based on the Multi Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM). Phase two focuses on the Probabilistic Risk Assessment, in order to identify, analyze and evaluate the risk associated with the Iraqi decommissioning project. The last phase considers the assessment of the radiological impact of the IRT-5000 radionuclide inventory on humans and environment. In conclusion, this paper suggests that the state of the destroyed reactor is not safe to keep untreated. The treatment, however, must consider straight scenario considerations criteria to the public and environment in compliance with safety and land uses criteria.