Implementing Safety Performance Indicators in the Radioactive Waste Management Facility: Methods, Results, and Challenges. This paper provides an overview of the implementation of safety performance indicators (SPIs) in the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility operated by the National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia. The national radioactive waste management facilities discussed in this paper consist of a radioactive waste treatment facility and interim storage for nuclear spent fuel. The PDCA cycle is used to tailor the method to the organization's specific needs, and SPIs are used to assess the effectiveness of safety functions. Generally, SPIs are established to achieve zero accidents, occupational safety, as well as environmental and public safety resulting from the operation of a radioactive waste management facility. From the operation of the RWM Facility, it is hoped there were no accidents resulting in death or permanent disability, and the incident rate was within the acceptable limit. In addition, the maximum dose received by each individual radiation worker must not exceed the dose constraint that has been set. In terms of the radioactive activity released into the atmosphere and waterbodies, both facilities were within the allowable limits. The SPIs are an indicator set every year, reviewed, and improved based on the results achieved in the previous year. However, there were some challenges with changes in organization and policies that impacted the implementation of safety functions. The authors provide suggestions for future improvements based on their evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of safety functions. The findings have implications for the management of radioactive waste in the future, particularly in managing changes in organization and policies.