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Site selection’s role at a sustainable radioactive waste repository project: a Brazilian experience

Not scheduled
M-Building (IAEA Headquarters, Vienna)


IAEA Headquarters, Vienna

Vienna International Center - Wagramer Str 5 - PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria
ORAL Track 5 - Practical experiences in integrating safety and sustainable development


Rafael Soares Souza Pimenta de Almeida (Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear - CDTN)


The implementation of a radioactive waste repository is especially important to countries that have a nuclear program or wants to be a newcomer nuclear country, as it testifies the correct management of the large amount of radioactive waste generated in several nuclear related activities.
In Brazil, the site selection process is guided by CNEN Standard NE 6.06, which establishes minimum requirements for the process of selection and choice of sites for repositories for low and intermediate-level radioactive waste to ensure the safe containment of these materials. Regarding this Standard, the achievement of as much UN sustainable development goals as possible is an important milestone to ensure such a robust and technically flawless infrastructure that must last so long with minimum environment impacts.
The site selection phase is therefore one of the most important steps of a repository’s planning when one defines which sustainability milestones must be achieved by locating the repository in a suitable and safe place, especially concerning water and land resources.
This paper aims to illustrate how the Brazilian site selection procedures were aligned to the most relevant UN sustainable goals for a national low and intermediate level repository.

Primary authors

Rafael Soares Souza Pimenta de Almeida (Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear - CDTN) Dr Paulo Rodrigues (CDTN (Brazil))

Presentation materials

