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Challenges to build a sustainable NDD Organization

Not scheduled
M-Building (IAEA Headquarters, Vienna)


IAEA Headquarters, Vienna

Vienna International Center - Wagramer Str 5 - PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria
POSTER Track 5 - Practical experiences in integrating safety and sustainable development


Ulrika Wretås (Sydkraft Nuclear Power)


Uniper is currently decommissioning four nuclear reactors in Sweden, two at BKAB and two at OKG (license holders). The reactors are of Asea-Atom design from the 60’s, and three of them are called “the triplets” as they are of the same design.
After one year of execution the occupational health was in focus as the TRIF (Total Recordable Injury Frequency, eg time to heal/cure in relation to total amount of worked hours) was well above 20. To compare the target within Uniper is >1. There were lot of initiatives including from highest management in headquarters, ending up in several actions plans and reporting lines.
Based on surveys, both at the license holders and within the project it came out clear that the roles and responsibilities in specific roles and between the license holder and the project was unclear. The organization was perceived as stressed. In addition, management were expected to participate in numerous of meetings, giving little time for leadership and reflection. In addition, this transition was done under de pandemic.
To handle this situation several actions and action programs have been launched to find ways to improve. It is unacceptable to have people in one’s organization that are exposed to the level of risk for both physical and mental illness.
After 18 months the situation has changed on a positive way, TRIF is single digit and the awareness on mental health has increased and stress levels have improved. The project, together with the license holders have been working together to improve safety culture and risk perception with both the contractors and people working with waste management as well as with safety management and leadership.

Primary author

Ulrika Wretås (Sydkraft Nuclear Power)

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