Peaceful use of nuclear energy began in Slovakia in 1972. Currently, four VVER 440 units are in operation in Slovakia, one unit is in the commissioning phase. By the mid-1980s, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) was being shipped to the USSR. In 1986, a pool-type interim spent fuel storage facility (ISFSF) was put into operation. In 2000, the ISFSF was seismically upgraded, and its storage capacity was increased.
Currently, all SNF is stored after cooling in at-reactor pools in ISFSF. Since the full project storage capacity of the ISFSF will be reached at the end of 2024, a decision was made to build a new dry storage capacity. The project started in 2015, the first spent nuclear fuel will be placed in the new storage in the second half of 2023.
In new storage SNF will be stored in special canisters of 85 SNF assemblies. Due to planned long period of storage of SNF (up to 100 years), higher requirements for seismic resistance were applied during the design than the requirements set for the site. After completion the ISFSF will be protected against the fall/attack of an airliner.
Currently, the JAVYS (Nuclear and Decommissioning Company) is working on a project of a deep geological repository, the expected term of putting the repository into operation is the year 2065.