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Measures of Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority in support of the sustainable development

Not scheduled
M-Building (IAEA Headquarters, Vienna)


IAEA Headquarters, Vienna

Vienna International Center - Wagramer Str 5 - PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria
POSTER Track 2 - Managing the interrelationships in policy, strategy, legislation, and regulation


Leila Sarkhosh (Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority)


Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority (INRA) as the national regulatory body has been working to improve its regulatory functions toward sustainable development goals. In this regard, INRA requires license`s applicants for the radiation facilities and activities to provide, as appropriate, a justification plan, a radiological environmental impact assessment, a report of seismic studies and a report of geotechnical studies in the siting process and a radiation protection program including individual monitoring, workplace monitoring, a system of inventory, an emergency plan and physical protection. INRA has a training strategy for individuals involved in radiation activities in which the education, training and competence of any individual proposed by the licensee are assessed. In addition, INRA supervises and controls the safe management of radioactive waste, and in this regard, it has recently developed the "Safe Management of Radioactive Waste" regulations. In recent years, owing to the needs and problems of industry in finding suitable radioactive sources and the storage risk of disused sealed radioactive sources, INRA has issued authorization for the reuse of disused sealed radioactive sources with the purpose of reducing radioactive waste. Moreover, by establishing and maintaining a system of inventory as a part of the regulatory approach, all sealed radioactive sources are accounted at all stages from the production to waste. Besides, through the establishment of an online portal monitoring system at ports of entry, INRA is now able to detect contamination of goods with radioactive substances with a much high speed and accuracy. In addition, all the decommissioning requirements of a radiation facility are recently incorporated into the revised regulations by INRA. The activities carried out by INRA which leads to reduction in radiation detriment will improve safety and human health and protect the environment, thus enabling the sustainable development.

Primary authors

Leila Sarkhosh (Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority) Mrs Sahar Akbari (Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority) Mrs Elham Sharifi Yazdi (Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority) Mr Mohammad Mahdi Hormozi (Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority) Mr Saeed Taghizadeh Ashrafi (Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority) Mr Hossein Karimi Ashtiani (Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority)

Presentation materials

