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The Establishment Of A 5-Year Roadmap To Respond To Challenges In Controlling Radioactive Waste Management in Indonesia

Not scheduled
M-Building (IAEA Headquarters, Vienna)


IAEA Headquarters, Vienna

Vienna International Center - Wagramer Str 5 - PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria
POSTER Track 2 - Managing the interrelationships in policy, strategy, legislation, and regulation


Mr Pandu Dewanto (Bapeten)


Radioactive waste is an essential aspect of using nuclear energy in Indonesia. The volume of radioactive waste that requires management is highly dependent on the utilization of nuclear energy. As residual material from activities using radioactive material, radioactive waste does not benefit facilities that generate it. Hence, there is a potential that radioactive waste needs to be appropriately managed, leading to the violation of the regulation. BAPETEN, as a Regulatory body, is mandated to establish a roadmap for solving problems related to radioactive waste management. The problems faced at this time, there need to be a roadmap to resolve the potential that radioactive waste needs to be properly managed, which can lead to the violation of the regulation. The final result of this paper is to establish a 5-year roadmap in radioactive management by identifying issues related to more effective regulatory control by identifying several issues related to radioactive waste management. The issues include the safety infrastructure, the organization, and human resources, the documentation of waste management, the records and reports on waste generated or managed, and the origin of radioactive waste. Coordination meetings, focus group discussions, interviews, or inspection results do the method for obtaining the results of this paper. By identifying the existing issues and establishing the roadmap for controlling radioactive waste management in Indonesia, BAPETEN will be able to find its best approach to controlling radioactive waste management more effectively.

Primary author

Mr Pandu Dewanto (Bapeten)


Mrs Evin Yuliati (Bapeten) Mrs Liya Astuti (Bapeten)

Presentation materials

