Ignalina NPP has been permanently shutdown and is currently in the decommissioning phase. Decommissioning activities, besides dismantling projects, also include construction and operation of treatment, storage and disposal facilities for radioactive waste. Before the start of decommissioning activities, licenses and permits for the implementation of a certain activity shall be obtained from regulatory bodies and public administrations. Licenses and permits are granted based on the submitted studies, reports and other documentation that justify safety as well as demonstrate sustainability aspects of the planned activity. The aim of safety analysis is to demonstrate that the planned activity or radioactive waste management facility meets safety and regulatory requirements. The format and content of the safety analysis report presented either in the national regulations or IAEA safety guides do not set direct requirements to consider sustainability aspects. However, other documents that are obligatory, for instance, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report, cover a wide range of such aspects as potential direct and indirect impacts on public health, flora and fauna, air, water, climate, social-economical, biodiversity, etc. About twenty radioactive waste management projects in Lithuania have been harmonized with authorities, public and other relevant parties and passed EIA procedures.