Reusing and recycling Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRSs) is an option for managing radioactive waste implemented in Indonesia. This study explores the implementation of recycling and reuse of DSRSs in Indonesia by analyzing regulations, reports, procedures, and IAEA publications. Based on Indonesia's radioactive waste management regulation (GR No. 61 in 2013), the executing body has to assess the possibility of reusing and recycling DSRSs. DSRSs must be tested in the laboratory to check the leakage and contamination of the capsule, including the physical check. Although this process can reduce waste, the safety of radioactive sources must be ensured for use and transport. The reused/recycled DSRSs' compliance with transport requirements is also questioned. Although IAEA encourages reuse and recycling as an alternative to DRSR management, the standard for the test of DRSRs is not available yet. The joint convention reports show that some countries (such as Albania, Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, China, France, and so on) implement the reuse and recycling of DSRSs. However, specific information about the test for the certification process is not available. Therefore, IAEA should provide standards or guidelines to support the state in establishing reused and recycling DSRSs to reduce waste and benefit the economy and environment.