In Ukraine collection and storage of radioactive waste originating from the use of radiation sources in medicine, science and different industries are performed by State Specialized Enterprise “Radon Association” (SSE “Radon Association”). SSE “Radon Association” also performs maintenance, radiation monitoring and control of storage sites for radwaste resulting from decontamination and sanitary treatment of vehicles (SSR/VTS) after the Chornobyl accident, which are located outside the exclusion zone in the Kyiv, Zhytomyr and Chernihiv regions.
Within implementation of international technical assistance project of the European Union U4.01/12D the decontamination waste storage site “Pisky-1” located in Pisky village in the Ivankiv district of the Kyiv region was selected as a pilot facility for taking remediation measures.
The international consultant developed a technical decision on activities for “Pisky-1” pilot facility remediation and safety analysis report. Experts of SSE “Radon Association” performed comprehensive radiological survey of this facility using equipment obtained under the project.
SSE “Radon Association” completed process activities on remediation of “Pisky-1” pilot facility. After retrieval of decontamination waste and confirmation of reaching remediation criteria for end state “Pisky-1” location was remediated to natural conditions.