All Oral Presentations in the Conference will be delivered as part of a specific technical session or as side presentations during coffee break sessions. Each Oral Presentation to be delivered during the technical session is expected to be no longer than 10 minutes and side-presentations during the copy break sessions are expected to be no longer than eight minutes; in addition, 2-3 minutes will be provided for questions. These time limits will be strictly observed.
Each technical session will comprise a defined number of oral presentations followed by a brief question and answer period. Additionally, some technical sessions may also include a panel discussion related to the topic of the session. Each technical session will be staffed with a technical officer responsible for the overall organization, a session chair responsible for moderating the session and a rapporteur responsible for summarizing and capturing the key highlights of the session.
Roles and responsibilities of the Presenters are:
Prior to the Conference:
- Upload your extended synopsis to INDICO by 2 December 2022 (guidelines on extended synopses submission can be found in the menu on the left of the main page)
- Upload your PowerPoint presentation to INDICO by 9 January 2023. Instructions for uploading the presentation can be found below. Please refer to this LINK for the template of power point presentation.
- Bring your PowerPoint presentation to the Conference on a flash drive as a backup
- Send an e-mail ( to the organizing committee if you do not want to have your presentation published on the Conference website.
Uploading your Presentation:
- Login into your INDICO account
- In the menu on the left select 'My Contributions'
- Click on the title of the synopsis that you want to upload materials for
- At the bottom of the page click on the pencil icon on the right side of 'Presentation Material'
- Select 'Upload files' and choose the appropriate files to upload.
- Click the 'Upload' button in the bottom right-hand corner of the dialogue box.
All files must be named according to IAEA standards. Please refer to the link "Naming Convention for files"