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Heritage Science Austria. An Austrian national hub of infrastructures and resources for the tangible cultural heritage

15 Jun 2022, 14:20
Board Room C (IAEA Headquarters)

Board Room C

IAEA Headquarters

ORAL Track 5: Acces to research infrastructure, and international as well as regional collaborations and networks Access to research infrastructure, and international as well as regional collaborations and networks


Ms Maria Bianca D'Anna (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austria)


Heritage Science is the transdisciplinary scientific research into cultural heritage, which provides a comprehensive access to art, cultural properties, natural assets and intangible heritage through their documentation, interpretation, preservation, and management. Heritage Science infrastructures and expertise are particularly crucial in our understanding, conservation, restauration and management of the tangible cultural heritage.
In this talk we present the Heritage Science Austria initiative, its network of institutions and resources, as well as its efforts in building an Austrian National Node of Heritage Science infrastructures.

Primary author

Ms Maria Bianca D'Anna (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austria)

Presentation materials

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