The event will be hosted via Webex. Register here.
The IAEA and American Physical Society (APS) have established cooperation in the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) 2022.
The American Physical Society (APS) Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) are three-day regional conferences for undergraduate physics majors. The purpose of APS CUWiP is to help undergraduate women continue in physics by providing them with the opportunity to experience a professional conference, information about graduate school and professions in physics, and access to other women in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, advice, and ideas.
IAEA has partnered with APS CUWiP and will host webinars featuring both IAEA and CUWiP talks on careers for women in nuclear, plasma and accelerator physics, including Keynote Speaker Dr Donna Strickland, a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Waterloo and one of the recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2018, and highlights from the IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme.
The programme will revolve around two main themes: Learn & Connect – focusing on nuclear, plasma and accelerator physics:
- The Learn theme will feature talks from female physicists, including Keynote Speaker Dr Donna Strickland, and provide the opportunity to listen to their experiences, advice, and ideas.
- The Connect theme will showcase opportunities for internship/fellowship programmes, including the IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme, and offer virtual tours of fusion/accelerator/nuclear facilities/laboratories.