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Guidelines for Preparation of Poster Presentations

The author of poster presentation may choose one of two approaches, Paper-Poster or E-Poster. It is requested to the authors of poster presentation to inform the approach chosen to IAEA Scientific Secretariat ( by 1 November 2024.


The poster should be a visual presentation of your submitted abstract. Please keep in mind that Information on a poster should attract attention. It should therefore be limited to the most important information only; leaving details and explanations for face-to-face dialogue.

Posters should meet the following criteria:

  • All posters should be in portrait format and size: A0 (1189 mm high and 841 mm wide).
  • The top of the poster should display, in lettering not smaller than 3 cm in height, the following information: the title of your accepted abstract, your INDICO ID Number, names of authors and affiliation.

The poster should be easily readable at a distance of two metres. Use UPPER and lower case for general content, as all-capital text is difficult to read. Avoid using mixtures of type/font styles. Left justify text, as it is easier on the eyes of the reader.

All display material should be prepared in advance. It is not possible to print posters on-site.

The poster can have single or double columns.


An E-Poster is a PowerPoint presentation designed for a digital screen.

The format allows authors to several options for designing and presenting their research; you may choose to:

  • Create a single slide in PowerPoint, like a typical poster, or
  • Create a 5-minute-long presentation with a maximum of 3-4 slides which could be presented several times within the poster session timeslot.

E-Posters should be intuitive and self-explanatory so that viewers can navigate the presentation themselves without the author present.

E-Poster Station Format:

  • E-Posters will be displayed on a digital screen.
  • E-Posters should be prepared in PPT format in a landscape style there is no template for the design of your e-poster and this can be done as you see fit.
  • The E-Poster must include the title of your accepted abstract, your INDICO ID Number, names of authors and affiliation.
  • The final PPT should be uploaded in INDICO as the original PPT file and in a PDF format by 1 November 2024 so it can also be uploaded to the IAEA Conference and Meetings Application.

You will be assigned an E-Poster LCD panel during the conference. All files will be placed in advance on the laptop connected to one LCD screen used for the conference. Use of personal laptops will not be permitted.

IT support will be provided during the conference.

All files must be named according to IAEA standards. Please refer to the link "Naming Convention for files"