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Preliminary analysis of 9Be(alpha,n)12C integrated and angular experimental differential data at below 4MeV

10 Nov 2021, 15:25



Olivier Bouland (CEA Cadarache France)


This presentation intends to review a preliminary analysis of 9Be(alpha,n)12C
integrated and angular experimental differential data at below 4MeV energy performed
at CEA Cadarache using the SAMMY code. Although not up to date, we plan to extend this
action in a near future using the CONRAD CEA code. During this work, a consistent set of
Reich-Moore resonance parameters, including possible new resonances and reproducing
the various 9Be(alpha,n) experimental data available, has been evaluated up to 4 MeV. A
set of pointwise integrated and angular differential cross section data has been produced
and its impact is tested using the recently developed iSourceC code (Intrinsic neutron
Source computing code by Cadarache) for a homogeneous Pu9Be neutron source. The
iSourceC tool is designed to test next evaluated files generation of angular resonant cross
sections charged alpha-particles against experimental data when there are available.
Among possibilities is the treatment of incident photons neutron sources.

Primary author

Olivier Bouland (CEA Cadarache France)

Presentation materials