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19–22 Jul 2022
ITER Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone
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Proximity-to-Instability Control and Cross-Machine VDE Stability Metrics on DIII-D and KSTAR

20 Jul 2022, 14:35
Council Room (ITER Headquarters)

Council Room

ITER Headquarters

Contributed Oral Prediction and Avoidance Prediction & Avoidance


Jayson Barr (General Atomics)


ITER will require exceptionally low disruptivity while pushing the limits of plasma performance. Ensuring robust stability will require a comprehensive strategy, and must include the continuous regulation of the proximity to stability and controllability limits, also called “Proximity Control.” DIII-D has been developing a Proximity Control architecture [1] which modifies control targets and actuator constraints based on stability metrics in real-time. The system has been applied and tested for robust Vertical Displacement Event (VDE) avoidance and preventing un-intended H-L back-transitions. Despite a pre-defined (intentionally) increasing trajectory for elongation (κ) set to induce a VDE, the Proximity Control algorithm successfully over-rode original control inputs when growth rates exceeded a threshold for intervention and adjusted plasma shaping targets (both κ and plasma distance to the inner wall) to ensure stability. The controller regulated the VDE growth-rate at 800 rad/s for more than 3s [1]. Unintended H-L back-transition protection integrated with β_N feedback control was demonstrated with the real-time modification of the minimum input power based on two different real-time stability monitors. The first monitored the radiated power, and the second used a machine learning (ML) predictor for the likelihood of H-/L-mode. Both tools prevented an H-L back-transition with a user-set, low β_N feedback target trajectory, which would have otherwise led to reduced heating and back-transition. The J|| gradients in the edge of ITER Baseline Scenario plasmas have been identified as indicators of tearing mode stability [2]. Recent experiments are described, which demonstrate first tests and limited controllability of edge gradients in J|| in the ITER Baseline Scenario using real-time adjustments in the plasma triangularity and squareness.
Experiments on KSTAR have diagnosed the limits of its vertical control [3-4] using machine-scalable metrics, including measured VDE growth rates and the maximum Z-excursion that the vertical control system can restore (dZmax). A maximum κ > 2.2 was sustained for more than 3s in experiment. Triggered VDEs were used to directly diagnose the vertical growth rates, measured to reach up to 300 rad/s at these high elongations. dZmax was diagnosed under two different ELMing conditions: one with slower, larger ELMs, and the second with faster, smaller ELMs. dZmax was measured to be 2cm and 2.3cm in each of these conditions, respectively. These correspond to machine-scalable metrics of dZ_max/〈dZ〉_noise~15x-10x and dZ_max/a_minor~4.5-5%, consistent with previous studies on DIII-D and similar to expectations of marginal stability on ITER [5].
In future work, the DIII-D Proximity Control algorithm will be expanded to addition disruption prevention applications as well as ported to KSTAR for direct cross-device studies. On DIII-D, the controller has been integrated with the Disruption Prediction using Random Forests (DPRF) [6] interpretable ML algorithm, to be tested in upcoming experiments.
This work was supported in part by the US Department of Energy under DE-FC02-04ER54698 and DE-SC0010685.
[1] J.L. Barr 2020 NF 61 126019 [3] D. Mueller 2018 FED 141 9-14
[2] F. Turco 2018 NF 58 106043 [4] D.A. Humphreys 2009 NF 49 115003
[6] S.-H. Hahn 2020 FED 156 111622 [5] C. Rea 2019 NF 59 096016

Speaker's title Mr
Speaker's email address
Speaker's Affiliation General Atomics, San Diego
Member State or IGO United States of America

Primary author

Jayson Barr (General Atomics)


David Humphreys (General Atomics) Nicholas Eidietis (General Atomics) Erik Olofsson (General Atomics) David Orozco (General Atomics) Brian Sammuli (General Atomics) Sang-hee Hahn (National Fusion Research Institute) Francesca Turco (Columbia University) Cristina Rea (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Mark Boyer (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Dennis Mueller (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

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