Topics and Working Groups
- Missing tungsten data in edge plasma models
- Rates for ionization, recombination and excitation
- Multi-step ionization and excitation
- Non-resonant charge exchange
- Recommended tungsten and hydrogen data for edge plasma modelling
- Large scatter in the various sets for W atomic data (in particular excitation rates)
- Hydrogen molecular data: impact and need of vibrationally-, rotationally- and isotopically-resolved data; mixed molecules; limited data available for T, TH and TD
- Metastable states of W
- Uncertainties of W and hydrogen data: atomic data used in CRM dependent on the range of plasma parameters
- The inclusion of reduced photon opacity information in collisional-radiative models
- Revised CRM with (semi)opaque lines
- Full non-linear model or a reduced CRM
- Isotope effects of collisional broadening in high plasma density
- Wall reflection models for photons: on W and Be or deposited layers; surface roughness effects
- Data needs for ITER
- Accuracy improvement for ionization, recombination, radiation and CX rates of W
- CR: to obtain reliable charge distribution of W for modelling W upstream migration and penetration to core plasma
- Spectral lines of interest W0 to at least W64+
- Dielectronic recombination rates and photon opacity for W vapour shielding during fast transients