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- Indico Weeks View
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is organizing the Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST-2022), following the success of the first ICARST in 2017 (ICARST-2017). Since the discovery of X-rays and radioactivity more than 100 years ago, different ways to artificially produce radiation and radioactive materials were found. The studies of ionizing radiation and radioactive materials has led to dramatic advances in radiation science and technology, and they are used for a wide range of procedures in industry, agriculture, and research. Radiation technologies have been promoted for their merit in addressing important human needs, such as improving industrial production and processes; better managing scarce freshwater resources; improving human health and food safety; preserving cultural heritages; and protecting our environment.
Numerous innovations and accomplishments in the field of radiation sciences have been already acknowledged, however it is now time to take a comprehensive look at their status in academia and industry, as well as their ability to meet future challenges. Radiation scientists are currently addressing issues related to producing advanced high performance materials through ‘green’ industrial processes to ensure cleaner environment; attaining a thorough understanding of the chemical effects of radiation under special conditions (which is important for material science in nuclear energy field, for studies of stability and compatibility of irradiated products in the human body, and for other applications); and investigating novel approaches to address the complicated chemistry at interfaces. Radiation technologists, on the other hand, are faced with other challenges, such as ensuring the safe and reliable operation of radiation facilities, implementing requisite international standards for process control, ensuring the continued supply and transport of cobalt-60 consignments across continents, and developing a new generation of high power electron beam accelerators and X-ray sources for emerging applications. Additionally, an innovative approach for new generation of low energy electron beam for in-line applications is being proposed and investigated, challenging the dosimetrists and microbiologists to reach better methodologies. Besides radiation processing applications, there are other radiation technologies, such as the use of radiotracers to improve and optimize the performance of industrial techniques to study environmental processes, and to control the quality of products. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), working in close partnership with its Member States as well as with professional scientific bodies and the industry, has striven to maximize the contribution of radiation sciences and technologies towards the achievement of the Member States’ development priorities in a safe manner.
The second IAEA International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST-2021) will provide a unique opportunity to achieve the following specific objectives:
The conference will strengthen contacts and foster cooperation among radiation science researchers, radiation technology providers, radiation facility operators and the coordinators of academic programmes in the radiation sciences, leading to a comprehensive review of the status of radiation sciences in industry and academia. The conference is expected to generate ideas that will form the basis of future IAEA programmes in the area of radiation technologies
Young Professional Award
We would like to announce the Young Professional Award for the upcoming conference. The objective of this award is to recognize outstanding achievements in radiation science and technology by young Professionals in the field. A number of these awards will be made available to students, postdocs, and other young professionals under the age of 35 who wish to present their research at ICARST 2022. Winners will be announced, and the award will be given out at the end of this conference. Awardees will receive a certificate from the IAEA in recognition of their outstanding work.