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August 30, 2022 to September 2, 2022
Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone
Full scientific program now available

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will hold the Eighth DEMO Programme Workshop (DPWS-8) from 30 August to 2 September 2022 in Vienna, Austria. Previous workshops in the series were held in Los Angeles (2012), Vienna (2013), Hefei (2015), Karlsruhe (2016), Daejeon (2018), Moscow (2019) and Vienna, virtually (2021).

With the construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), the worldwide magnetic fusion programme has begun a transition from a fusion science activity to one aimed at producing fusion energy on an industrial, power plant scale. This is driving an increased emphasis on a fusion technology programme which, along with ITER and accompanying national programmes research, will bring fusion as a power source within our reach. While internationally there is no agreement on a single roadmap to fusion, the science and technology issues to be resolved for fusion power to become a reality are identified and broadly accepted. Resolving these issues and understanding the options for next-step nuclear fusion facilities are of common interest, even if the emphases and priorities vary from nation to nation. Thus, there is substantial scope to add value to the programme by international cooperation and networking. Against this backdrop, the IAEA has established a series of annual Demonstration Fusion Power Plant (DEMO) Programme Workshops to facilitate international collaboration on defining and coordinating DEMO programme activities.


The topics for the 8th edition of the DEMO workshop cover:

Topic 1: Transient operational phases and transient loading environments for fusion DEMO power plants

Topic 2: ITER TBM status, DEMO needs and satellite facilities needed

Topic 3: Efficiency: coolant selection, cost and delivering time

Special topics

  • Materials database and needed facilities (focus on structural materials like RAFM)
  • Overview of Broader Approach phase II programme

Key Deadlines

29 June 2022

Deadline for submission of abstracts for poster contributions according to the instructions above for paper selection.

8 July 2022

Deadline for submission of Forms A, B and C through the appropriate governmental authority

6 July 2022

Participants will be informed about the acceptance of their papers

12 July 2022

Participants will be informed about grant allocations (if relevant)

30 August 2022

Event begins

 Banner image reference: EUROfusion

Vienna, Austria
Vienna International Center

IAEA Contacts

Scientific Secretaries:

Ms Sehila Gonzalez de Vicente

Physics Section | Division of Physical and Chemical Science
Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications | International Atomic Energy Agency

Mr Luigi Di Pace

Nuclear Power Technology Development Section | Division of Nuclear Powers | International Atomic Energy Agency

Administrative Secretary:

Ms Marion Linter

Physics Section | Division of Physical and Chemical Science
Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications | International Atomic Energy Agency