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3–6 Sept 2019
Shizuoka City, Japan
Europe/Vienna timezone
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Efficient generation of energetic D ions with the 3-ion ICRH+NBI synergetic scheme in H-D plasmas on JET-ILW

3 Sept 2019, 11:15
Shizuoka City, Japan

Shizuoka City, Japan

Board: O-1
Oral (Plenary Session) Control of Energetic Particle Confinement Plenary


Dr Yevgen Kazakov (Laboratory for Plasma Physics, LPP-ERM/KMS)


An extended version of the 3-ion scheme relies on using fast NBI ions as resonant species for heating mixed plasmas[1,2]. NBI ions can efficiently absorb RF power at the mode conversion (MC) layer, where the wave polarization is particularly favourable for ion cyclotron heating, through their Doppler-shifted resonance. This advanced ICRH+NBI scheme was earlier observed in D-3He plasmas on JET[3] and was recently demonstrated in JET-ILW H-D plasmas[1]. The neutron rate was increased by a factor of 10-15, when 2.5MW of RF power was coupled in addition to 3.5MW of D-NBI. In this contribution, we summarize fast-ion observations, confirming the high-efficiency of the 3-ion D-(DNBI)-H scheme to accelerate D-NBI ions to higher energies with ICRH. Good agreement between a range of fast-ion diagnostics (including the neutron rate, neutron spatial profile and energy spectrum, neutral particle analyzer, gamma-ray spectroscopy and MHD analysis) and time-dependent ICRH modeling (TRANSP/TORIC and PION) has been achieved[4,5].

The developed scheme is also relevant for fast-ion studies in stellarators. Since stellarators generally poorly confine energetic trapped ions, recently an idea of passing particle acceleration with ICRH was proposed for W7-X [6]. This idea relies on channeling RF power to resonant ions with a large Doppler shift, leading to more efficient increase in their parallel kinetic energies due to ICRH. In addition, as follows from the analysis of here reported JET experiments, plasma parameters for the 3-ion D-(DNBI)-H scheme can be tuned to provide strong core localization of RF power deposition, corresponding to the location of the MC layer in the plasma. This, in turn, brings forward effects associated with the non-standard particle orbits in the plasma core and sets up an additional spatial filter for resonant wave-particle interactions. For the conditions of the 3-ion JET experiments, theoretical analysis of the quasilinear evolution of ICRH-heated ions shows that originally passing NBI ions do not cross the trapped-passing boundary during their acceleration due to ICRH. These results are also backed up by TRANSP/TORIC modeling of JET pulse #91256[4]. Figure 1 illustrates ASCOT-computed orbits of passing NBI ions (ED=100keV, v||/v=0.62) and passing ICRH+NBI ions (ED=500keV, v||/v=0.45), together with the spatial distribution of the left-hand polarized RF electric field |E+|^2 (TORIC code).

We conclude the contribution with the discussion of the implications of the 3-ion schemes in D-3He and D-T plasmas on JET. In particular, these experiments could provide a deeper insight on the impact of highly energetic ions, mainly those in the alpha particle energy range, on the ITG turbulence. This can significantly clarify the role of alpha particles on ITER plasmas, for which recent theoretical studies have shown that they could significantly reduce heat transport [7].

[1] J.Ongena et al., EPJ Web.Conf. 157, 02006 (2017)
[2] Ye.O.Kazakov et al., IAEA-FEC 2018, EX/8-1 (2018)
[3] M.Mantsinen et al., Nucl.Fusion 44, 33-46 (2004)
[4] K.Kirov et al., 23rd RF Topical Conference, I3.2 (2019)
[5] M.J.Mantsinen et al., 46th EPS Conf., O5.102 (2019)
[6] Ya.I.Kolesnichenko et al., Nucl.Fusion 57, 066004 (2017)
[7] J.Garcia et al., Phys.Plasmas 25, 055902 (2018)


Country or International Organization Belgium

Primary authors

Dr Yevgen Kazakov (Laboratory for Plasma Physics, LPP-ERM/KMS) Dr Massimo Nocente (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano-Bicocca) Dr Jozef Ongena (Plasma Physics Lab, ERM-KMS, Brussels) Dr Henri Weisen (EPFL, Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), Lausanne, Switzerland) Dr Yuriy Baranov (CCFE) Dr Teddy Craciunescu (National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest, Romania) Dr Remi Dumont (CEA) Dr Jacob Eriksson (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden) Jeronimo Garcia (CEA IRFM) Dr Luca Giacomelli (Instituto di Fisica del Plasma, CNR, Milan, Italy) Dr Vasily Kiptily (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority) Dr Krassimir Kirov (CCFE) Prof. Yaroslav Kolesnichenko (Institute for Nuclear Research, Kyiv, Ukraine) Prof. Mervi Mantsinen (Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Barcelona, Spain; ICREA, Barcelona, Spain) Dr Luis Meneses (IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal) Maria Filomena Nave (Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico) Mirko Salewski (Technical University of Denmark) Sergei Sharapov (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy) Mr Ziga Stancar (Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Mr Jari Varje (Aalto University, Finland) JET Contributors

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