Session 6.1: Disposal
- Jacob Home (Horizon Nuclear Power)
- Enrico Zaccai (HZC International)
Various issues of deep geological disposal of radioactive waste, including alternatives to geological disposal, multinational approaches and costing / financing aspects are being discussed in the public and political sphere
in a recurrent manner. EDRAM believes, as a group of senior executives from national agencies for implementing radioactive waste disposal in their respective countries,...
All options for generating power from nuclear energy generate radioactive waste products that will require permanent isolation from the biosphere. Choices made regarding nuclear fuel cycle options, including decisions for recovery and re-use of fissile material from irradiated fuel, have the potential to affect the waste stream characteristics such as mass, volume, radioactivity, and thermal...
Andra is preparing an application for the creation of a geological disposal facility in East of France, Meuse Haute-Marne area: Cigéo Project. The project will be implemented in the vicinity of Andra’s Meuse Haute Marne Underground research laboratory which has been operated since 2000. The project aims at disposing of vitrified HLW produced by the reprocessing of spent fuel, as well as a...
The amounts of waste generated in the nuclear power lifecycle is small compared to other power generation options and normalised to power produced. In particular, because of the enormous energy density in uranium, nuclear power plants produce much smaller quantities of waste than fossil plants. Although there are several back–end management options that result in different waste forms for...
Finland and Sweden are the countries with the most advanced plans for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) has evoked both countries as good examples in the use of a 'partnering' approach, designed to achieve both a licensable site supported by the community and a balance between fair representation and competent...
Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is leading a site selection process for an informed and willing host community with a suitable site for a deep geological repository for used nuclear fuel, as well as an associated Centre of Expertise. The process was initiated in 2010 and is expected to culminate with identification of a preferred site around 2023. It is a community-driven...