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Recent progress in geological disposal of radioactive wastes and strategic issues to be dealt with in the process: EDRAM's perspective

26 Jun 2019, 14:00
Oral Track 6: Disposal Session 6.1


Dr Shunsuke Kondo (Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan)


Various issues of deep geological disposal of radioactive waste, including alternatives to geological disposal, multinational approaches and costing / financing aspects are being discussed in the public and political sphere
in a recurrent manner. EDRAM believes, as a group of senior executives from national agencies for implementing radioactive waste disposal in their respective countries, that drawing on international expertise, experience and collaboration is of great value and leads to better solutions for the safe implementation of radioactive waste disposal. Based on this belief EDRAM discusses strategic issues and technical and management matters, with a view to benchmarking and establishing best practices, develops a common understanding of waste management issues among implementers and positions thereof and coordinates actions in relation to international organisations. EDRAM continually exchanges information on these matters within the group and with international organizations and understands differences and commonalities among them deeply in order to be able to explain them to its stakeholders. In the paper summarized are some of major recent outputs from this discussion.

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Primary author

Dr Shunsuke Kondo (Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan)

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