The IAEA welcomes high quality contributions that fall under the umbrella of the following tracks.
Each individual track may cover the following cross-cutting aspects: technology (operational and research and development), safety, security, economics, public involvement (acceptability), regulatory framework, knowledge management, safeguards and non-proliferation as well as collaborative options
Please note that Track 1 is not open for general submissions.
Track 1: National Strategies for Spent Fuel Management
Including perspectives on considering the management of spent fuel as an asset (either recycling or direct disposal);
What would be needed to achieve future national energy goals
- Please note, this track is for invited country representatives only and not open for general submissions -
Track 2: Spent Fuel and High Level Waste storage and subsequent transportability
STO- Management of damaged and degraded fuel;
- Behaviour of spent fuel during storage (wet and dry);
- Ageing management of storage systems (wet and dry);
- Ageing of high level waste and related storage systems;
- Demonstrating transportability: Specific requirements, including multipurpose canisters, waste packages;
- Changing security requirements with time.
Track 3: Transportation in the back-end
TRA- Operating experiences, achievements and lessons learned from long term operations (including overseas shipments, transportation plan, security, safety, public engagement);
- Evolution of international regulations for transportation;
- Special considerations to high burnup (HBU) fuel, damaged fuel, spent fuel, recycling materials.
Track 4: Recycling as a spent fuel management option
REC- Operating experiences and lessons learned;
- Recycling evolution:
- Fuel and recycling products,
- U/Pu co-management (non-proliferation aspects),
- Reduction of radioactive waste volume,
- Economics;
- Improvements in waste management from recycling activities.
Track 5: Impacts of advanced nuclear energy systems on the back-end of the fuel cycle
ADV- Accident Tolerant Fuels;
- Advanced fuel cycles:
- U/Pu Multi-recycling in light water reactors and fast reactors,
- Minor Actinides partitioning and transmutation (different systems: fast reactors, accelerator driven system, molten salt reactors etc.),
- High level waste partitioning and reuse of valuable material;
- Other advanced designs from Gen-IV (small modular reactors, high temperature gas-cooled reactors, etc).
Track 6: Disposal
DIS- Discriminating characteristics of heat generating waste on the design of disposal facilities:
- Types of spent fuel (uranium oxide, high burnup, mixed oxide), high level waste,
- Spacing, host geology, ventilation, backfilled, operational safety, decay heat, timeline,
- Retrievability and reversibility;
- Predisposal constraints for spent fuel (Cooling, containments, characterization, data);
- Safeguards of disposed spent fuel (pre- and post-closure);
- Stakeholders engagement, including site selection;
- Multinational collaborations;
- Post-closure information management.
Track 7: Challenges in an integrated approach for the back-end system (including storage, transport, recycling and disposal)
INT- Consistency of technical requirements across the back-end of the fuel cycle (e.g. waste acceptance criteria, safety requirements, information, knowledge management, etc.);
- Conflicts among the drivers and impediments for a back-end strategy (e.g. economics, politics, technology, time, public support, resources);
- Risk management and decision making with uncertainties;
- Optimization, flexibility and resilience (e.g. how options can be retained for future strategic change and contingency in the event of disruption).