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Independent, standalone operation of interim spent fuel storage facilities

25 Jun 2019, 16:00
Poster Track 2: Spent Fuel and High Level Waste storage and subsequent transportability Track 2 Poster Session (2)


Peter Dyck (Consultant)


Interim away from reactor (AFR) storage facilities may be located at the reactor site using the complete infrastructure and personnel of the nuclear power plant for their operation or at a separate site using their own infrastructure as a standalone and independent facility. With the final shutdown and decommissioning of the nuclear power plants is this infrastructure for facilities at the reactor site no longer available. It becomes necessary to install a separate infrastructure and a separate team for the facility operation to become a standalone and independent facility. This paper deals with AFR storage facilities without own infrastructure and gives an overview as a checklist on the necessary considerations to become a standalone and independent storage facility.

Country or International Organization Germany

Primary author

Peter Dyck (Consultant)

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