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Fast reactor SNF reprocessing for closed nuclear fuel cycle

27 Jun 2019, 09:50
Oral Track 5: Impacts of advanced nuclear energy systems on the back-end of the fuel cycle Session 5.1


Dr Andrei Shadrin (ITCP "PRORYV")


Closed nuclear fuel cycle (CNFC) with inherent safety fast reactors (FR) is a new integrated product in the branch of atomic energy. A pilot demonstration power complex with reactor unit (BREST-OD-300) with lead coolant is under constriction at the Siberian Chemical Combine in frame of the “PRORYV” project. This pilot demonstration power complex includes not only fast reactor but also facility for fuel fabrication/refabrication and facility for mixed uranium-plutonium nitride (MNIT) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) reprocessing and radwaste management. Integrated system of models and codes for the coordinated simulation of different processes and phenomena for CNFC technologies are also under development.

Country or International Organization Russian Federation
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Primary authors

Dr Andrei Shadrin (ITCP "PRORYV") Konstantin Dvoeglazov (Institution Innovation and Technology Center by “PRORYV” Project) Dr Vladimir Kascheev (Bochvar Institute) Vitaliy Vidanov (INSTITUTION «ITC «PRORYV» PROJECT») Dr Olga Shmidt (ITCP "Proryv") Dr Oleg Ustinov (Bochvar Institute) Dr Vladimir Volk (Bochvar Institute) Dr Yurii Mochalov (ITCP "PRORYV")

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