Guidelines for Oral Presentations
All Oral Presentations in the Technical Meeting will be delivered as part of a specific technical session. Each Oral Presentation is expected to be no longer than approximately ten minutes; in addition, five minutes will be provided for short questions and speaker change over. The fifteen minute total time limit (to include time for questions) for each presentation will be strictly observed.
Each technical session will comprise a defined number of oral presentations each to include time for short questions. Additionally, some sessions may also include a panel discussion related to the topic of the session. Each technical session will be staffed with a chairperson responsible for the overall organization to include moderating the session as well as summarizing and capturing the key highlights.
Roles and responsibilities of the Presenters are:
Prior to the Technical Meeting:
Upload your extended abstract to Indico by 31 December 2018 (guidelines on extended abstract submission can be found in the menu on the left of the main page).
Please e-mail a copy of your presentation (MS Powerpoint) to by 18 March 2019. If your file is too large for e-mail, please bring an electronic copy on a USB datastick to the meeting and provide it to the conference clerks on Monday morning, 1 April.
We please advise, in any case, to bring your PowerPoint presentation to the Technical Meeting on a USB datastick as a backup.