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Analytical Capabilities of the V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute in View of Nuclear Forensics Challenges

9 Jul 2014, 09:00


Vienna International Centre, 1400 Vienna, Austria


Dr Y. Panteleev (Russian Federation)


The V. G. Khlopin Radium Institute is Russia's leading organization providing technical services in radiochemistry to the nuclear industry. Its activities include research and development, analytical laboratory services, environmental investigations, waste treatment engineering, accident response, and production of specialized nuclear materials such as radioisotopes, isotopic standards, labeled organic compounds, sources, and radiation detectors. The Radium Institute has, since its establishment in 1922, maintained the highest scientific standards. In 1974 the Institute joined IAEA Network of analytical laboratories and as such is qualified currently for analysis of nuclear material and environmental samples, provision of reference materials and QC functions. The main tasks in the industry • Development and application of high-sensitive and precision methods of NM analysis • Analysis of NM in any matrices and in all ranges of concentrations: • Determination of radionuclide composition of SNF • Determination of burnup of high- burn-up fuel • NM isotopic composition and content in the environmental samples and RAW • Manufacturing of and supply to the industry enterprises of the NM reference materials The tasks of the KRI in cooperation with the IAEA • Analysis of the inspectorate samples for IAEA safeguards • Development of high-sensitive and precision analytical methods for NM measurements • Development of and participation in the Quality Assurance Programs for analytical measurements • Manufacturing of and delivery to the IAEA NM Reference materials Analytical methods of NM measurements • Isotope dilution mass-spectrometry • Precision spectro-photometry • Titrimetric methods • Luminescence of uranium and neptunium • Chemical-spectral trace analysis • The alpha, beta, gamma radiometry • Neutron analytical methods The combination of the methods available at the KRI and the experience gained in analytical research and development makes it possible to be confident in getting analytical signatures of the investigated nuclear materials in view of nuclear forensics chalanges Table. Measurement parameters Method Uncertainty Detection limit Laser-luminescent of uranium 5-10 % in solutions - 10-11 g/ml; in soil and plant ash – 0,01 ppm Laser-luminescent of plutonium 5-10 % in solutions– 5 . 10-11 g/ml; in soil and plant ash – 0,05 ppm Isotope dilution mass-spectrometry of uranium, plutonium, americium, curium £ 0,1¸0,2 % 238U – 10-12 g Other isotopes – 10-14 g plutonium – 10-15 g americium – 10-15 g Isotope dilution alpha-spectrometry of plutonium £ 0,5¸0,6 % 10-12 g Potentiometric determination of uranium £ 0,1 % 10 mg Spectro-photometric determination of uranium and plutonium by self-absorption £ 0,1¸0,2 % 100 mg Spectro-photometric determination of uranium and plutonium and thorium with arsenazo III £ 0,1% 10 mkg NM gamma-spectrometric determination 5 % uranium ~ 50 mkg plutonium ~ 50 ng Alpha-spectrometric determination of plutonium, uranium, neptunium, americium 5-8 % 5. 10 -4 Bq/g

Primary author

Dr Y. Panteleev (Russian Federation)

Presentation materials