1:00 PM
Nuclear Forensics – An Integral Part of the Philippines' National Response Plan for a Nuclear Security Event
1:00 PM
Egyptian Framework for Implementing Nuclear Forensics Capabilities
A. Ahmed Tawfik
(Lecturer of Radiation Protection, Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority - Egypt)
1:00 PM
International Workshop on Basic Nuclear Forensic Methodologies for Practitioners
J.M. Schwantes
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United States Department of Energy, Richland, WA, USA.)
1:00 PM
Nuclear Forensics Role and Capabilities in the Romanian Nuclear Security Infrastructure
S. Repanovici
(National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control, Romania)
1:00 PM
European Nuclear Security Training Centre (EUSECTRA)
E. Hrnecek
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
1:00 PM
Establishing of a Nuclear Forensics Capacity in Republic of Moldova
I. Balan
(National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities, Republic of Moldova)
1:00 PM
Sri Lankan Experience on Control of Illicit Trafficking of Radioactive Sources
(Sri Lanka)
1:00 PM
Nuclear Forensics Activities in the Slovak Republic
J. Vaclav
(Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic)
1:00 PM
Role of Nuclear Forensics in Supporting National Organizations in Combating Against Smuggling of Nuclear Materials
M. Elbarody
1:00 PM
National Security System to Combat Nuclear and Radiation Threats in Georgia
1:00 PM
The Use of the Radioactive Isotops for a Cheating in Gambling - An Interaction Between Different Authorities
O. Dorjkhaidav
1:00 PM
Exercise Blue Beagle and Information Security
I. Smith
(United Kingdom)
1:00 PM
Nuclear Security Capacity Building at the Centre for Applied Radiation Science and Technology (CARST)
M. Mathuthu
(South Africa)
1:00 PM
Challenges in Identifying Radioactive Material in Scrap Metal
M. Nikolaki
(Greek Atomic Energy Commission)
1:00 PM
Countering the Evolving Threat of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material out of Regulatory Control: Jamaica’s Experience
C. Boyd
1:00 PM
Search and Investigation of Orphan Sources in Lithuania
1:00 PM
Threat of Radioactive Materials Out of Regulatory Control in Egypt; Orphan Sources
M. Abdel Geleel
(Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority, Egypt)
1:00 PM
Increasing Role of Nuclear Forensic to Support Nuclear Security Events Investigation in Indonesia
D. Apriliani
(BAPETEN - Indonesia)
1:00 PM
Overview of the Canadian National Nuclear Forensics Capability Project
E. Inrig
(Defence Research and Development Canada, Ottawa Research Centre)
1:00 PM
Nuclear Forensics in the Republic of Tajikistan: Condition and Perspectives
U. Mirsaidov
(Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency, Tajikistan)
1:00 PM
Strengthening Nuclear Forensic Capabilities and Partnership through Collaborative Science in Ukraine
K. Knight
(United States of America)
1:00 PM
The Contribution of International Initiatives on Non Proliferation to the Enhancement of the Nuclear Forensics as a Fundamental Component of the International Nuclear Architecture
A. Farhane
1:00 PM
Investigative Police of Chile: Implementation of an Action Plan to Confront of Radiological Threats.