E. Hrnecek
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
Located at the European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU), the EUSECTRA training centre has been created in the framework of the EU chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) action plan adopted by the European Council in 2009.
Based on the unique combination of scientific expertise, specific technical infrastructure and availability of a wide range of nuclear materials, EUSECTRA complements national training efforts by providing realistic scenarios with real special nuclear material. The training program offers a unique opportunity for trainees to see and experience actual materials and commodities. In particular, EUSECTRA is one of the few places in the world where a wide range of samples of plutonium and uranium of different isotopic compositions can be used for training in detection, categorization and characterization.
The training centre provides courses for front-line officers, trainers and experts on how to detect and respond to illicit trafficking of nuclear or other radioactive materials. EUSECTRA offers hands-on training using a wide variety of radioactive and nuclear materials and a broad selection of equipment and measurement instruments.
Indoor facilities include a training area to simulate airport conditions, equipped with pedestrian portal monitors and an x-ray conveyor. Outdoor facilities with different types of radiation portal monitors are available for border detection courses.
EUSECTRA courses include border detection, train-the-trainers, mobile emergency response (MEST), reach-back, national response plans, nuclear forensics, radiological crime scene management and nuclear security awareness. In addition, EUSECTRA continues to cover safeguards training activities.
Training materials have been developed in close collaboration with international experts (e.g., from IAEA, US-DoE, FBI, NFI, CEA) to integrate different available modules into a coherent and comprehensible set of training courses which ultimately aim to cover both detection and response.
Additionally, EUSECTRA will enhance cross-border cooperation and experts' networking, and provide a centralised knowledge management tool.
Country and/or Institution | European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements |
Primary author
E. Hrnecek
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
A. Nicholl
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
I. Krevica
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
J. Galy
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
J. Zsigrai
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
K. Mayer
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
L. Holzleitner
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
M. Toma
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
M. Wallenius
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
T. Wiss
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)
Z. Varga
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements)