Philipp Lauber
(IPP Garching)
10/23/18, 10:45 AM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
In 2017 a new scenario on ASDEX Upgrade for the dedicated investigation of energetic particle (EP) physics has been developed. This scenario is unique in two aspects: firstly, the neutral beam (NB) induced fast-ion beta is comparable to the background plasma β, and secondly, the ratio of the fast ion energy to the thermal background is of the order 100.
At ASDEX Upgrade we reach this...
Wei Shen
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
10/23/18, 11:05 AM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Instabilities driven by energetic particles including fishbones and Alfven eigenmodes, together with fast particle loss and redistribution due to resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs), have been investigated numerically with codes M3D-K, MEGA, and GYCAVA in EAST tokamak. Firstly, hybrid simulations with the global kinetic-magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code M3D-K have been carried out to...
Mario Podesta
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
10/23/18, 11:25 AM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The inclusion of the reduced-physics energetic particle (EP) *kick model* for EP transport in TRANSP has resulted in a dramatic improvement of interpretive and predictive capabilities for time-dependent tokamak simulations including the effects of EP transport by instabilities. The kick model has recovered the measured toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) spectrum on NSTX-U and has reproduced...
Yasushi Todo
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
10/23/18, 11:45 AM
THW - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) driven by fast ions in tokamak plasmas and the fast ion distribution formed with the AEs, neutral beam injection (NBI), and collisions are investigated with hybrid simulations for energetic particles and a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fluid [1]. The multi-phase simulation [2], which is a combination of classical simulation and hybrid simulation, was applied for various...
Satoshi Yamamoto
(Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University)
10/23/18, 12:05 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
A. We discuss the effect of electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and current drive (ECCD) on fast particle (FP)-driven MHD instabilities in stellarator/heliotron (S/H) plasmas obtained in LHD, Heliotron J and TJ-II. We demonstrate that FP-driven MHD instabilities including energetic particle modes (EPMs) and Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) can be controlled by means of magnetic shear s modified by...
Satoshi Yamamoto
(Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University)
10/23/18, 12:15 PM
EXW - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Wave–plasma interactions; current drive; heating; energetic particles
The helically-trapped energetic-particle (EP) driven resistive interchange mode (EIC) observed in the Large Helical Device (LHD) causes large amount loss of EPs. It is destabilized when the precession motion of the helically trapped EP resonates with the pressure driven mode. A velocity modulation caused by the toroidicity of the magnetic field produces this resonance. Strategy and the initial...