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Poster Session 1

Jun 27, 2017, 5:30 PM


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Mr Yong YANG (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
6/27/17, 5:30 PM
Track 7. Fast Reactors and Fuel Cycles: Economics, Deployment and Proliferation Issues
1.radioactive harmfulness of the spent fuel 2.capability of MA burning in 600 MWe FBR 3.a study of nuclear energy system scenario 4.summary
Mr David Montagnier (AREVA NP), Mr Dominique Villani (AREVA NP), Mr Gilles Rodriguez (CEA), Mr Julien Large (VELAN SAS), Mr Marc Gosset (AREVA NP), Mr Martin Delmas (VELAN SAS), Mr Nicolas Crepin (VELAN SAS)
6/27/17, 5:30 PM
Track 5. Fast Reactor Materials (Fuels and Structures) and Technology
In the framework of the ASTRID (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration) project, the VELAN Company is involved to propose a concept of isolation valve to guaranty the confinement of the reactor block in case of severe accident scenario. An innovative and compact design for the isolation sodium valve was developed. Following the basic design phase studies on the...