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A High Density Uranium Zirconium Carbonitride LEU Fuel for Application in Fast Reactors

Jun 27, 2017, 5:30 PM
1h 30m
Poster Area (Yekaterinburg)

Poster Area


POSTER Track 5. Fast Reactor Materials (Fuels and Structures) and Technology Poster Session 1


Mr S Sikorin (The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research SOSNY of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)


For many years, Russian researchers have developed and tested a high density, high temperature U-Zr-C-N fuel for potential application in different types of reactors, including fast reactors. As part of this effort, reactor tests have been performed to low burnup. However, reactor-testing data is still needed at high burnup to confirm the optimal performance of the fuel. The SM-3 reactor, which is a high-flux reactor located in Dmitrovgrad, Russia, will be used to test a U-Zr-C-N (U0.9Zr0.1C0.5N0.5) fuel to ~40% burnup. The fuel will then be examined to determine its performance during irradiation. The fuel that will be tested has a density of 11.9 g/cm3 and an enrichment of 19.75% (uranium-235), and the uranium density of this fuel material is 10.8 g/cm3. About 1000 effective days of irradiation will be required to achieve the targeted burnup. This presentation will discuss the details of the planned irradiation, along with results of out-of-pile research that has been performed on the as-fabricated fuel. The positive characteristics of the U-Zr-C-N fuel will be discussed, and comparisons will be made to other fuel types.

Country/Int. Organization

Belarus/SOSNY of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Primary author

Mr S Sikorin (The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research SOSNY of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)


Mr A Bakhin (Scientific Research Institute Scientific Industrial Association “LUCH”, Podolsk, Russia) Mr A Kuzmin (The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research SOSNY of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus) Mr A Zaytsev (Scientific Research Institute Scientific Industrial Association “LUCH”, Podolsk, Russia) Mr Alexey Izhutov (JSC “SSC RIAR”) Dr Dennis Keiser (Idaho National Laboratory) Mr I Bolshinsky (idaho national Laboratory) Mr I Galev (Scientific Research Institute Scientific Industrial Association “LUCH”, Podolsk, Russia) Mr Sh Tukhvatulin (Scientific Research Institute Scientific Industrial Association “LUCH”, Podolsk, Russia) Dr Viktor Alekseev (JSC "SSC RF - IPPE") Mr Y Gohar (Argonne National Laboratory)

Presentation materials