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Thermodynamics and separation factor of lanthanides and actinides in system “liquid metal-molten salt”

27 Jun 2017, 17:30
1h 30m
Poster Area (Yekaterinburg)

Poster Area


POSTER Track 4. Fuel Cycle: Sustainability, Environmental Considerations and Waste Management Issues Poster Session 1


Prof. Valeri Smolenski (Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry UB RAS)


Pyrochemical separation processes in molten salt media have been proposed as a promising option in the future nuclear fuel cycle. The major steps of these processes include the electrorefining or reductive extraction of the recovering actinides in molten chloride/liquid metal systems and for recovery of minor actinides from spent fuel or high level radioactive liquid wastes. The goal of these investigations is to find the extraction systems with high values of separation factor An/Ln using bimetallic liquid metals. Thermodynamic properties of lanthanum, praseodymium, neodymium and uranium were studied in systems (Me)Ga-In/3LiCl-2KCl and (Me)Ga-Al/3LiCl-2KCl vs. of the composition of liquid alloys and the temperature. The influence of the nature of elements on activity coefficients and separation factor was determined. The calculated values of separation factor of U/La, U/Pr and U/Nd lies in the region 4.0∙10^4 – 5.0∙10^5.

Country/Int. Organization

Russian Federation

Primary author

Prof. Valeri Smolenski (Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry UB RAS)


Prof. Alena Novoselova (IHTE UB RAS) Dr Alexander Bychkov (National Research Nuclear University) Mr Alexander Osipenko (State Scientific Centre-RIAR) Dr Vladimir Volkovich (Ural Federal University) Mrs Yana Luk’yanova (State Scientific Centre-RIAR)

Presentation materials