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24–28 Apr 2017
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

The Participation of the Technological National Centre in the Technical Cooperation Program Activities

28 Apr 2017, 11:15
Conference Room M2

Conference Room M2



Mr Kabey Mbaz Rodolfo (Centro Tecnologico Nacional, Angola)


The National Technological Centre (CTN) with headquarter in Luanda, is a public institution tutored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, in charge to realize applied scienti-º3fic research. This paper aims to inform the success of the participation of Technological National Centre in the activities of the cooperation between Angola and the International Atomic Energy Agency through the Technical Cooperation Program. The purpose of the Cooperation is to help the country to build, strengthen and maintain human and institutional capacities for the safe, peaceful and secure use of nuclear technology in support of national development. The participation of Technological National Centre starts from 2006 up to now. To achieve the goals proposed, three main phases have been set up in the projects implementation: outward specialists visits (from other latitudes), human resources empowerment and training (member mobility in the projects) and laboratories equipment acquisition (Creation of laboratory-based infrastructure). With this program, the Technological National Centre was able to set up the laboratories of Non- destructive Testing and radioisotope tracers. Around 20 project members were trained in renowned centres in different regions. Through these laboratories, the Centre has got the capacity of radioisotope tracers application in oil industrial as well as the use of non destructive techniques to improve quality of industrial goods and service. In term of contribution to socio-economic development in the country, in the process of empowerment and training of science, technologies and innovation system’s actors in Angola, the National Technological Centre through this laboratories trained 21 trainees in Nondestructive test , level I, in Penetrant Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, Ultrasonic Testing and Radiography testing, 09 are working now in local companies, and another group of 5 trainees are training on radiotracer techniques in Technological National Centre. Future prospects are to empower human recourses in various techniques to use the maximum potential of machines existing in the Centre to solve practical problems and address basic human needs. The cooperation concept always ends up in a win-win. From experience, the National Technological Centre thinks that feedback is not significant enough in term of sponsorship assessment but this does mean it will never be noticeable. It cannot appear at this initial time, it will surely
Country/Organization invited to participate Angola

Primary author

Mr Kabey Mbaz Rodolfo (Centro Tecnologico Nacional, Angola)

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