Boris Artemiev
(ZAO RII MSIA SPECTRUM, Russian Federation)
Currently, there is a tendency in the industry by refusing isotopic radiation sources in favor of the X-ray machines. This is due to several factors, chief among them radiation safety and maintenance problems, movement and disposal of gamma-ray sources.
Compared to the gamma ray source devices have a number of disadvantages. The spectral energy distribution and therefore change in the spectrum as the radiation passes through the controlled material. Instability of radiation compared with gamma sources. All this complicates the use of X-ray sources for the thickness measurement of materials with different chemical compositions.
We offer solutions that reduce the measurement error when using X-ray radiation sources below the 0.2% of the measured value.
Country/Organization invited to participate | Russian Federation |
Primary author
Boris Artemiev
(ZAO RII MSIA SPECTRUM, Russian Federation)
Igor Artemyev
(ZAO RII MSIA SPECTRUM, Russian Federation)