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The Decennial IAEA Technical Meeting on Atomic, Molecular and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion Science and Technology 2024 (AMPMI 2024) will be held at University of Helsinki, Finland. Meeting focuses to current data activities on atomic and molecular processes relevant for fusion plasmas as well as on plasma-surface and plasma-material processes with fusion materials. The meeting fosters global collaboration for fusion R&D in the public and private sectors as well as identifies priorities for fusion data activities and recommends future focus points for the IAEA Atomic and Molecular Data Unit.
For over 50 years IAEA's Atomic and Molecular Data (AMD) Unit has facilitated collaborative international research for the production, evaluation and recommendation of data for global fusion R&D [1]. The AMD Unit maintains both numerical and bibliographical databases for fusion [2] and has organized several international coordinated research programmes, meetings, workshops and schools to review atomic and molecular (AM) and plasma-surface interaction (PSI) as well as plasma-material interaction (PMI) research for fusion [3-5].
This Decennial Technical Meeting series on AMPMI data has an overarching feature to collect both data users and producers on AM and PSI/PMI communities and to review the recent activities and to recommend new ones. The previously organized Decennial Technical Meetings:
- 1976, Culham Laboratory (UK): formulated, for the first time, a comprehensive scope for AM data needs for fusion
- 1980, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France): reviewed the status of data needs in relation to experimental programmes of large tokamaks
- 1992, Cadarache (France): reviewed and identified new data needs for large operating fusion machines
- 2002, Jülich Research Centre (Germany): reconsidered data needs in the light of further increases in the size and power of experimental fusion devices and the early use of deuterium-tritium fuel in these machines
- 2014, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (form. National Fusion Research Institute; Korea): meeting goal was to advance data-oriented research on AM and PMI processes and properties important for fusion as well as to promote collaboration among fusion experimentalists and those in the field of the calculation or measurement of relevant fundamental data.
The 2024 Decennial meeting will continue to act as a forum between the fusion data users and the data providers with an aim to advance the fruitful communication between these two communities for finding gaps and needs in fusion data.
As the private fusion companies and enterprises have entered the fusion sector in the recent few years, the Decennial meeting welcomes participation of the private fusion sector and promotes for further private-public partnerships in fusion knowledge exchange.
Research scientists related nuclear fusion, at any stage of their career, who are involved in the quantitative and qualitative study, measurement, analysis, modelling, simulation or prediction of processes in fusion plasmas or plasma-wall interactions in fusion devices, using or producing fundamental data on these processes. Experimental and theoretical approaches are welcomed.
The IAEA is committed to the promotion of gender equality in all its activities and qualified women scientists are particularly encouraged to participate in the meeting.
Participation and Registration
All persons wishing to participate the event must be designated by an IAEA Member State or should be a member of an organization that has been invited to attend.
There is no registration fee.
Deadline for grant applications was due on 6 May 2024.
UPDATE: new deadline for registrations (w/o grant application) has been extended until 31 May 2024.
Registration through InTouch+ system. Please follow information provided in Participation and Registration (closed).
Quick guide can be found here.
We welcome contributions in the form of orals and posters.
Participants wishing to give an oral presentation or a poster presentation, are requested to submit an abstract through Call for Abstracts.
Abstract submission is closed.
Guidelines for preparing and submitting presentation slides and posters are given in Presentation Guidelines and Poster Guidelines.
AMPMI 2024 group photo
Photo credit: Fredric Granberg


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