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13–17 May 2019
Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Europe/Vienna timezone
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Real-Time Processing the MSE data with GPGPU in KSTAR

15 May 2019, 15:25
2h 35m
Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Board: P/2-5
Poster Data Acquisition and Signal Processing Poster


Taegu Lee (National Fusion Research Institute)


The KSTAR has MSE (Motional Stark Effect) diagnostics devices for measurement of plasma current density distribution. Real-time MSE is an essential diagnostic for advanced control over the q-profile in tokamaks [1]. The KSTAR MSE diagnostic data measurement system measures and stores a total of 25 signals and 2 reference signals at a rate of 2MHz sample per second. The KSTAR has developed the uTCA.4 form factor controller, KMCU-Z35 and KMCU-Z30, for KSTAR digitizer standardization, it has been used in some diagnostic data acquisition systems from 2016. The KMCU-Z30 can simultaneously transmit the same data in three directions from a single ADC digitizer (one PCIe and two SFP+), allowing device configurations to be configured individually for real-time control without interfering with raw data storing device system. In the 2018 KSTAR campaign, we plan to apply the KMCU-Z30's data branching function and digital lock-in algorithm for real-time MSE which we plan to implement using GPGPU for fast data processing of high sampling data. This paper introduces a detailed design concept of real-time MSE DAQ system using GPGPU and their performance results. This paper will describe the overall structure of the MSE DAQ system and performance of the real-time MSE data in KSTAR.

[1] De Bock, M. F. M., et al. "Real-time MSE measurements for current profile control on KSTAR." Review of Scientific Instruments 83.10 (2012): 10D524.

Primary authors

Taegu Lee (National Fusion Research Institute) giil kwon (National Fusion Research Institute) Mr Taehyun Tak Mr Sangwon Youn Mr Hanmin Wi Dr Jinil Chung Dr Jinseok Ko Jaesic Hong

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