In - Vessel Components: FIP/2
- anatoli Krasilnikov (Director Institution @Project center ITER")
Yohji Seki
(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
19/10/2016, 08:30
FIP - Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design
A. R&Ds for starting operation with a full- tungsten (W) ITER (INB-174) divertor have been enhanced by recommendation of the ITER council since 2011. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) as Japanese Domestic Agency (JADA) and the ITER organization (IO) have been actively working on the development and demonstration on the full-W ITER divertor under the framework of the task agreement. JAEA is in...
Kaiming Feng
(Southwestern Institute of Physics)
19/10/2016, 08:50
FIP - Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design
The current design of Chinese Heilum-cooled Ceramic Breeder Test Blanket Module (HCCB TBM) with 1×4 configuration scheme, it includes 4 independent breeding sub-modules with 10mm gap (for thermal expansion) between each other along the poloidal direction. Tthese sub-modules are connected with a big back plate containing auxiliary connection pipes for coolant and purge gas, shear keys and...
Italo Ricapito
(Fusion for Energy)
19/10/2016, 09:10
FIP - Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design
The general objective of the ITER TBM Program is to provide the first experimental data on the performance of the breeding blankets in the integrated fusion nuclear environment. Such data are essential to design and predict the performance of DEMO and future fusion reactors.
To achieve this objective, the TBM programme will have to:
• test and validate technologies and materials in a...
Abhishek Saraswat
19/10/2016, 09:30
FIP - Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design
Liquid Lead Lithium (Pb-16Li) is of primary interest as one of the candidate materials for coolant fluid and tritium breeder in liquid metal blanket concepts relevant to fusion power plants. For effective and reliable operation of such high temperature liquid metal coolant systems, monitoring and control of critical process parameters like pressure, level, temperature and flow is essential....
Masayuki Ono
(PPPL/Princeton University)
19/10/2016, 09:50
FIP - Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design
Steady-state fusion power plant designs present major divertor technology challenges, including high divertor heat flux both in steady-state and during transients. In addition to these concerns, there are the unresolved technology issues of long term dust accumulation and associated tritium inventory and safety issues. It has been suggested that radiation-based liquid lithium (LL) divertor...