Overview 5: Magnetic Fusion OV/5
- Sergei Lebedev (Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Francisco Castejón
18/10/2016, 16:40
OV - Overviews
Recent improvements in diagnostics and operation have led to better understanding of 3-D effects on transport and plasma control in the TJ-II stellarator. Impurity transport: Direct measurments of electrostatic potential variations within the same magnetic flux surface in ECRH plasmas are presented. Calculations show that such asymmetries affect impurity accumulation. The asymmetry value and...
Jonathan Menard
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
18/10/2016, 17:05
OV - Overviews
The National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) has undergone a major upgrade, and NSTX Upgrade (NSTX-U) is now the most capable Spherical Torus/Tokamak (ST) in the world program. NSTX-U mission elements include: exploring unique ST parameter regimes to advance predictive capability for ITER and beyond, developing solutions for the plasma-material interface challenge, and advancing the ST as a...
Andrew Kirk
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
18/10/2016, 17:30
OV - Overviews
New results from MAST will be presented that focus on validating models in order to extrapolate to future devices. Particular attention will be given to the areas of scenario development, fast particle physics and plasma exhaust.
Understanding filamentary transport across the scrape off layer is a key issue for the design and operation of future devices as it is crucial in determining the...
Raymond Fonck
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
18/10/2016, 17:55
OV - Overviews
Studies at near-unity aspect ratio offer unique insights into the high confinement (H-mode) regime and support development of novel startup scenarios. Ohmic H-mode operation has been attained at A < 1.3. Edge plasma parameters permit probe measurements of the edge pedestal, including the local current density profile, with high spatial and temporal resolution. H-mode plasmas have standard L-H...
Yuichi Takase
(University of Tokyo)
18/10/2016, 18:20
OV - Overviews
Nationally coordinated research on spherical tokamak (ST) is being conducted in Japan, to strengthen the scientific basis and to broaden future options of ST applications. The research themes to concentrate on are (1) the physics of very high beta plasmas, (2) development of start-up, current drive, and control techniques without the use of the central solenoid (CS), and (3) demonstration of...