3D Physics: EX/1 & TH/1
- Saskia Mordijck (The College of William and Mary)
Paolo Piovesan
(Consorzio RFX)
18/10/2016, 10:45
EXS - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Stability
This work investigates the formation of helical core equilibria in toroidal fusion plasmas, focusing on the role of dynamo, or magnetic flux pumping mechanisms in determining the equilibrium current profile. Dynamo effects determine the safety factor profile of the final 3D equilibrium, with important consequences on MHD stability and transport. We compare experimental results from multiple...
Carlos Paz-Soldan
(Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education)
18/10/2016, 11:05
EXS - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Stability
Measurements and modeling of the plasma response to applied 3D magnetic perturbations – specifically its dependence on collisionality, beta, and rotation – yield new insight into the physics of edge-localized mode (ELM) control and better define the criteria needed to achieve ELM suppression in ITER. ELM control depends on the coupling of the applied field to a stable edge mode that drives...
Stuart Hudson
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
18/10/2016, 11:25
THS - Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling: Stability
The nature of ideal-MHD equilibria in three-dimensional geometry is profoundly affected by resonant surfaces, which beget a non-analytic dependence of the equilibrium on the boundary. Furthermore, non-physical currents arise in equilibria with continuously-nested magnetic surfaces and smooth pressure and rotational-transform profiles.
We demonstrate that three-dimensional, ideal-MHD...
Yongkyoon In
(National Fusion Research Institute)
18/10/2016, 11:45
EXS - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Stability
An extensive study of intrinsic and controlled non-axisymmetric field impacts in KSTAR has enhanced the understanding about non-axisymmetric field physics and its implications, as well as demonstrating the importance of optimal 3-D configurations in resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP)-driven control on edge localized modes (ELMs) in tokamaks. The $n=1$ intrinsic non-axisymmetric field was...
Oliver Schmitz
(University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Engineering Physics)
18/10/2016, 12:05
EXS - Magnetic Confinement Experiments: Stability
Exhaust of helium as a fusion born plasma impurity is a critical requirement for future burning plasmas. We demonstrate in this paper that resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) fields can be used to actively improve helium exhaust features. We present results from the TEXTOR tokamak with a pumped limiter and from the LHD heliotron with the closed helical divertor. The results show an important...