Overview 2: Magnetic Fusion: OV/2
- Predhiman Kaw (Institute for Plasma Research, India)
Arne Kallenbach
(Max-Planck-Institut f. Plasmaphysik)
17/10/2016, 14:00
OV - Overviews
The ASDEX Upgrade program is devoted to the preparation of ITER operation and the development of plasma scenarios and physics understanding for a future DEMO. Different scenario lines adapted to critical research tasks are developed and naturally integrated with the metallic, high-Z plasma facing components environment. The scenarios can be mainly divided into low core collisionality and high...
Yunfeng Liang
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany)
17/10/2016, 14:25
OV - Overviews
EAST aims to demonstrate steady-state advanced high-performance H-mode plasmas with ITER-like configuration, plasma control and heating schemes. Since 2015, EAST has been equipped with all ITER-related auxiliary heating and current drive systems. Two NBI systems injected from Co- and Ctr-current directions, have been installed on EAST and allow the flexible study of the plasma rotation effect....
Boris Breizman
(Institute for Fusion Studies, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712 USA)
17/10/2016, 14:50
OV - Overviews
This overview talk covers recent developments in the theory of runaway electrons in tokamaks. Such electrons are known to be of serious concern with regard to safe operation of large-scale tokamaks in general and ITER in particular. They can quickly replace a large part of the bulk electron current during disruptions, and the corresponding magnetic energy exceeds the particle kinetic energy....
Yeong-Kook Oh
(National Fusion Research Institute)
17/10/2016, 15:15
OV - Overviews
The KSTAR device has been operated since the first plasma in 2008 with the mission of exploring the physics and technologies of high performance steady-state operation that are essential for ITER and fusion reactor. KSTAR has been focusing on maximizing performance and extending pulse length targeting H-mode dischage up to 300s at higher plasma current up to 2 MA, and at higher normalized beta...
Earl Marmar
(Mass. Inst. of Technology)
17/10/2016, 15:40
OV - Overviews
C-Mod is the only divertor tokamak in the world capable of operating at B fields up to 8 T, equaling and exceeding that planned for ITER. C-Mod is compact, thus accessing regimes of extreme edge power density (1 MW/m2 average through the plasma surface). Scrape-off layer (SOL) power widths are of order of a few mm, with measured parallel power flows >1 GW/m2 at the divertor, surpassing the...