Opening: O/1
- Hiroshi Yamada (National Institute for Fusion Science)
Atsuo Iiyoshi
(Chubu University, 1200 Matsumoto, Kasugai, Aichi, 487-8501 Japan)
17/10/2016, 09:00
It has been more than half a century since fusion energy research was disclosed at the 2nd Atoms for Peace conference, held in September, 1958 in Geneva. During the course of this period, DT-burning experiments were actually conducted in TFTR and in JET, both intended for energy breakeven: Q=1. This is a tremendous achievement of mankind, wishing to create a self-burning star on the Earth....
Florentino Portero
(Foundation Isaac Albéniz)
17/10/2016, 09:30
Human beings have a short history in universe terms. Just 200.000 years old and no more than 100.000 years old out of Africa. As a consequence of climate changes those men decided to leave the continent looking for new land and new opportunities to prosper. It is impossible to understand the history of the humankind without keeping in mind its effort to understand the reality and to overcome...