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17–22 Oct 2016
Kyoto International Conference Center
Japan timezone

Experimental Study of Deuterium Retention and Thermo-mechanical Properties in Ion-beam Displacement-damaged Tungsten

20 Oct 2016, 08:30
Kyoto International Conference Center

Kyoto International Conference Center

Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0001 Japan
Poster MPT - Materials Physics and Technology Poster 5


Prof. George TYNAN (University of California San Diego)


We present plasma-implanted D retention and thermo-mechanical properties in ion-beam displacement damaged tungsten targets. Cu ion beams with energies ranging from 0.5-5 MeV induce displacement damage of up to 1 displacement per atom (dpa) in the first micron of the surface in W samples held at a controlled temperature. Damaged samples are then exposed to D plasmas at 300-400 K to decorate damage sites with trapped D. Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) and thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) are then used to characterize the effect of damage on D retention. Nano-indentation and nano-scale thermal diffusivity studies provide thermo-mechanical data localized to the near-surface damaged region in ion-beam damaged samples. In samples damaged at 300-400 K, NRA and TDS analyses show the trapped D inventory increases in proportion to dpa^0.65 for damage levels up to 0.1 dpa and begins to saturate as 1 dpa is approached. For W samples exposed to a D plasma ion fluence of 10^24/cm2 with 0.2 dpa displacement damage at 300 K, the retained D retention inventory is 6x10^20 D/cm2, about 4 times higher than in undamaged samples. The retained inventory drops to 2x10^20 D/cm2 for samples damaged to 0.2 dpa at 1000 K, consistent with onset of vacancy annealing during the ion irradiation; at 1200 K damage temperature the D retention is reduced to 1x10^20 D/cm2 and nearly equal to values seen in undamaged materials, suggesting that retention in high temperature radiation-damaged tungsten may not be affected as severely as might be expected at low temperatures. A 1D diffusion model with distributed trap sites reproduces the measured D spatial profiles in samples damaged at 300-400 K; work is underway to model to capture the reduced retention observed at higher damaging temperatures. The thermal conductivity of Cu ion-beam damaged surfaces drops from the un-irradiated value of 182 W/m-K to 53±8 W/m·K in W with 0.2 dpa damage at 770 K; slight further decreases occur at higher damage levels. The hardness increases from 5.3 GPa in undamaged W to 7.3 GPa for W damaged to 0.5 dpa with He ion beams, while no change in elastic modulus is found within the experimental uncertainties. We discuss the implications for the performance of W-based plasma-facing components, divertor heat flux management, tritium inventory management and fuel self-sufficiency in fusion energy systems.
Country or International Organization USA
Paper Number MPT/P5-1

Primary author

Prof. George TYNAN (University of California San Diego)


Mr Joseph BARTON (UC San Diego) Mr Michael SIMMONDS (UC San Diego) Dr Nathan MARA (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Prof. Renkun CHEN (UC San Diego) Dr Russell Doerner (UCSD) Ms Shuang CUI (UC San Diego) Dr Siddhartha PATHAK (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr Yongqiang WANG (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

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