The purpose of this session is to discuss the integration of environmental remediation and waste management activities from initial planning to final waste disposal.
James Penfold
(Quintessa Limited)
26/05/2016, 09:10
Case Studies and Waste Management in Environmental Remediation
In common with any industrial restoration project, decommissioning nuclear sites involves both removing the redundant plant and buildings and remediating the land. If contamination is present in buildings and plant it is likely to be necessary to treat it as radioactive waste for disposal. Similarly, contaminated material in the ground can be excavated for disposal. However, this can be...
Philippe GUETAT
26/05/2016, 09:35
Case Studies and Waste Management in Environmental Remediation
This paper presents an overview of accidental releases of fission, fusion reactors and cycle installations, (i.e. Iodine alone, Iodine and cesium, iodine plus cesium and short lived airborne nuclides for fission, tritium for fusion and plutonium 239 for fuel installation), and their consequences on the surface deposits management. It addresses the question of dose levels, the effect of some...
Timothy Payne
(Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
26/05/2016, 10:00
Case Studies and Waste Management in Environmental Remediation
Numerous countries around the world are currently managing various types of sites contaminated with radioactive materials derived from past nuclear activities and accidents. Many of these sites consist of a shallow excavation in the ground (with or without engineered containment) into which radioactive waste materials were placed - these are sometimes referred to as “legacy trench sites”. ...
Isabelle Majkowski
26/05/2016, 10:25
Case Studies and Waste Management in Environmental Remediation
In 2014, during the preparation of a dismantling, contamination in subsurface soil around a waste liquid effluent channel was discovered. This was a stark reminder of the necessity to define a clear policy for all on–site interventions. Presently, the SCK•CEN site is operational and its final end state is not defined. Nevertheless, the protection of the environment (with special attention to...