Takuya Kawachi
(Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
26/05/2016, 15:00
Young Generation
This study investigated a measurement system combining ultrasonic velocity profiler (UVP) method and aperture synthesis method. The system was devised as an inspection technique to identify leakage point and to determine distribution of fuel debris for decommissioning of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. To evaluate the developed measurement system, verification experiments were...
Eros Mossini
(Politecnico di Milano), Mr
Luca Codispoti
(Politecnico di Milano)
26/05/2016, 15:00
Young Generation
Abstract: The L 54M thermal research reactor was commissioned by Politecnico di Milano to Atomic International in 1958. It was shut down in 1979 after around 20 years of operations for research purposes. Subsequently it was put under Safe Storage. Several operations have to be managed in order to restore the reactor site to the status of “unrestricted re-use”, the so-called “greenfield”...
Eros Mossini
(Politecnico di Milano), Mr
Luca Saverio Angelo Codispoti
(Politecnico di Milano)
26/05/2016, 15:00
Young Generation
Abstract: Scientific research cannot disregard environmental and public safety. The majority of worldwide nuclear power plants will undergo permanent shutdown over the next 10 years. This is also the case of L 54M, a homogeneous fuel thermal research reactor commissioned by Politecnico di Milano to Atomic International in 1958. It was used for research purposes in the fields of nuclear reactor...
Yasutaka Watanabe
(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
26/05/2016, 15:00
Young Generation
By off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake in Japan on March, 2011, the subsequent accident of nuclear power plants in Fukushima has been problematic. Nuclear reactors have been damaged, and surrounding environment has been contaminated by radioactivity. The severe accident must be solved along with four tasks: demolition of damaged facilities, remediation of the site,...
Naoko Watanabe
(Hokkaido University)
26/05/2016, 15:00
Young Generation
Abstract: It is important to estimate the cost of decommissioning at various stages of planning to manage decommissioning projects efficiently. Uncertainties regarding radioactive waste management including the availability of disposal facilities are making the estimate challenging. Some of the uncertainties such as unit disposal cost and transportation cost directly add up to the total...
Christina Legkikh
26/05/2016, 15:00
Young Generation
The final stage of any method of liquid radioactive waste and concentrates conditioning is always recycled waste curing. Currently, the most commonly used methods of waste curing are: cementation, vitrification, and creation of ceramic-concrete matrices [1]. It is important to remove water from the cured product. However, it is impossible to completely remove water from the cement and ceramic...
Pavel Gredasov
(Open Joint Stock Company «Concern for Production of Electric and Thermal Energy at Nuclear Power Plants» («Rosenergoatom» Concern OJSC) Leningrad NPP)
26/05/2016, 15:00
Young Generation
The decommissioning of a nuclear power unit, as any radiation-hazardous facility, is an integral and inevitable stage of a nuclear facility life cycle. NPP decommissioning implies sequence of administrative and technical activities intended to terminate any activity connected with the facility functional purpose, and make it environmentally benign to be released from regulatory control[1]....
Pavel Belousov
26/05/2016, 15:00
Young Generation
Nuclear decommissioning is the process whereby a nuclear power plant site is dismantled to the point that it no longer requires measures for radiation protection. The presence of radioactive material necessitates processes that are occupationally dangerous, hazardous to the natural environment, expensive, and time-intensive.[1] Decommissioning is an administrative and technical process. It...
Andrei Gordeev
26/05/2016, 15:00
Young Generation
Nuclear cycle facilities in Russian Federation by now has accumulated (and continue accumulating) a large amount of radioactive wastes, which contains different subjects with the complex morphology and various nuclide set [1, 2]. The only way to solve the problem of the long-term radioactive wastes storage and complying all the up-to-date safety requirements is to create the modern repository...