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Challenges in Regulatory Oversight on Decommissioning for the First Time in Thailand

24 May 2016, 09:00
4h 30m


Poster Regulatory framework and standards for decommissioning and environmental remediation Session 2 - Poster


Mr Chaiyod Soontrapa (Office of Atoms for Peace)


This paper covers various regulatory issues and challenges of decommissioning the first research reactor in Thailand. It will also be the first decommissioning of a nuclear facility in Thailand. The paper particularly emphasizes regulatory development of Thailand on decommissioning a research reactor. The regulatory issues on decommissioning and challenges for Thailand are identified. The brief survey of available decommissioning regulations from other IAEA member states is presented. Finally, the proposed decommissioning regulations of Thailand is summarized and discussed.
Country or International Organization Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand
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Primary author

Mr Chaiyod Soontrapa (Office of Atoms for Peace)

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