Philippe GUETAT
This paper presents an overview of accidental releases of fission, fusion reactors and cycle installations, (i.e. Iodine alone, Iodine and cesium, iodine plus cesium and short lived airborne nuclides for fission, tritium for fusion and plutonium 239 for fuel installation), and their consequences on the surface deposits management. It addresses the question of dose levels, the effect of some fundamental environmental parameters, the information policy, and the need for a “as rational as reasonably achievable” approach based on efficient and non-expensive actions of the population.
R COULON, J. DELMAS, Ph. GUETAT, C. MADELMONT, R. MAXIMILIEN - Agriculture, environnement et nucléaire, comment réagir en cas d'accident, FNSEA, CNIEL 1991.
Ph. GUETAT, P. ARMAND, A. CHARLIER de CHILY, A. FLURY-HERARD, F. MENESTRIER, P. FRITSCH, L. BION - Iodes radioactifs et impacts environnemental et sanitaire : étude bibliographique et quantification – Rapport CEA –R-6065 2004
Philippe GUETAT, Marguerite MONFORT, Eric ANSOBORLO, Valérie MOULIN, Pascal REILLER, Annabelle COMTE, Anne FLURY HERARD, Paul FRITSCH, Florence MENETRIER, Impacts environnemental et sanitaire des isotopes du plutonium : étude bibliographique et quantification - Rapport CEA-R-6186 - Mai 2008
Ph. GUETAT et Al - Plutonium in the environment: key factors related to impact assessment in case of an accidental atmospheric release Pu Future 2008 Radiochemical Acta 97, (2009) 257-260
IAEA – TECDOC 1738 Transfer of Tritium in the Environment after Accidental Releases from Nuclear Facilities (2014)
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Primary author
Philippe GUETAT