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KRR-1 Decommissioning

25 May 2016, 15:35


Oral Poster Technical and Technological Aspects of Implementing Decommissioning Programmes Session 4A - 3


Mr Seungkook Park (KAERI)


The first research reactor in Korea, KRR-1, is a TRIGA Mark-II type with open pool and fixed core (Figure 1). Its power was 100 kWth at its construction and it was upgraded to 250 kWth. Its construction was started in 1957. The aim of the decommissioning activities is to decommission the reactor and decontaminate the residual building structures and site, and to release them as unrestricted areas. The KRR-1 reactor was decided to be preserve as a historical monument. KRR-1 reactor for removing all radioactive materials and the bio-shielding concrete and building structure were remain for the remodeling for monument. Dismantling of the KRR-1 reactor takes place from 2011 to 2014 with a budget of 3.25 million US dollars. The scope of the work includes licensing of the decommissioning plan changing, removal of pool internals including the reactor core, removal of the thermal and thermalizing columns, removal of beam port tubes and the aluminum liner in the reactor tank, removal of the radioactive concrete (the entire concrete structure will not be demolished), and conditioning the radioactive waste for final disposal, and final statuses of the survey and remediation for free release of the site and building.
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Mr Seungkook Park (KAERI)

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