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23 May 2016, 15:00
3h 15m


Poster National policies and strategies to enable and enhance decommissioning and environmental remediation Session 1 - Poster


Prof. Vladimir Slugen (FEI STU Bratislava, Ilkovicova 3, Sk-81219, Slovakia)


The content of the National policy and National program for handling of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in Slovakia was stated according to provision of the EC Directive 70/2011 and Slovak Act No. 238/2006. Both documents were written by Board of Governors of National Nuclear Fund of SR. The National Policy is found on following policies: a) The Slovak Republic shall bear final responsibility for decommissioning of the nuclear installations at the territory of SR, for safe and responsible long-term storage and disposal of spent nuclear fuel and for handling of radioactive waste, which will be produced at its territory after its release by producer by expiring 12 month period from its generation, b) final responsibility for safe and responsible disposal of radioactive waste or spent nuclear fuel, which will be transported from the The Slovak Republic for conditioning or processing to member state of The European Union or the third state included any waste, which will be produced as a by-product of conditioning or processing shall be borne by The Slovak Republic bound by international treaty subject to the provisions, c) generation of radioactive waste from the viewpoint of its activity and volume is maintained at the lowest possible achievable level through appropriate project measures and operational procedures and decommissioning procedures included processing and reuse of materials, d) in all steps of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste handling mutual inter dependencies are considered, e) spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste handling must be safe from long-term viewpoint also, when especially passive safety features are applied, f) in spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste handling graded approach is applied especially considering activity, amount, type of nuclear facility in which handling is executed and other dangerous characteristics, g) costs for spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste handling shall be borne by producer, who produced them, in case of unknown originator relevant measures are adopted, h) documentation of decision making process is based on evidence and characterization results in all stages for handling of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. The Government of Slovak Republic approved the National policy and national program of Slovakia in decommissioning and spent fuel management at Jul 27, 2015 via decision No 387/2015. Safe and reliable decommissioning of nuclear installations in the Slovak Republic is achieved throughout application of legislative requirements and also corresponding license and inspection processes provided for in the Atomic Act and its implementing regulations.
Country or International Organization Slovakia
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Primary author

Prof. Vladimir Slugen (FEI STU Bratislava, Ilkovicova 3, Sk-81219, Slovakia)

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